Message edition🔗
Message pre-publication🔗
To be available for use by the Study Coordinators, messages have to be created in a previously agreed) shared message Library.
To begin with message edition, Survey platform instructions are available here.
Three messages types🔗
Three messages types are used by WPSS:
- Email subject
- Short Text Message Where to define a new message type:
Embedding a survey link🔗
Wether invitations happen by email or Short Text Message, the text has to include a link to answer the survey. For WPSS the link type used is exclusively a personal link
For WPSS invitation to function as excpected, It is crucial that you follow the guidance provided below.
Email messages🔗
Follow the steps on this short screencast:
To make sure the survey link will be a hyperlink (the respondent can click on the link and be directly opening the survey), you will have to write some specific HTML code.
To do so, activate the source editor by clicking the toggle preview/view source
You should see the message displayed as source HTML code.
1 2 3 4 |
Replace the following text:
1 |
1 |
Alternatively, you may want to replace the survey link that is displayed, by a text or a sentence like below:
1 |
Short text messages🔗
Follow the (unorthodox) steps on this short screencast: