1. Push to web survey, moving from snail mail to web surveys

According to Dillman (Don. A. Dillman. (2017). The promise and challenge of pushing respondents to the Web in mixed mode surveys. Survey Methodology, 43(1): 3-30.), a push to web survey is defined as: “the use of postal mail to obtain questionnaire responses from general public samples mostly over the Internet”.

Ipsos encyclopedia provides this additional methodological definition:

“Also known as “web-first” and “web-push” surveys. A push-to-web survey is a quantitative data collection method in which offline contact modes are used to encourage sample members to go online and complete a web questionnaire. This method is typically used when sampling frames do not include email addresses for all members of the study population”.

2. A step by step How To of a push to web survey with Qualtrics

During SSHOC and ESS-SUSTAIN-2 both European Commission funded projects, we have collaborated with the European Research Infrastructure ESS. We have designed a push to web data collection instrument using Qualtrics, detailed here.

Link to a sub section of the WPSS wiki including a push to web How To

Photo by Mikaela Wiedenhoff on Unsplash.