1. Rationale

Persistent identifiers (PIDs) and associated features are key elements to capture metadata workflows and automatically update the research graph.

See Fenner, M., & Aryani, A. (2019). Introducing the PID Graph (https://doi.org/10.5438/JWVF-8A66).

The research graph describes relations between several type of resources; to make this graph machine-actionable, the use of PIDs and associated PIDs metadata is necessary. There are several emerging or well established PIDs, such as:

  • PIDs for research data (why we are here in the first place!)
  • PIDs for organizations and projects
  • PIDs for researchers and contributors
  • PIDs for software
  • PIDs for publications

We want to have a contributor or researcher ORCID profile automatically updated every time a dataset to which they contributed is published on Dataverse. This tutorial will help you set your ORCID record auto-update triggered by a dataset publication on a Dataverse repository (using DOIs as dataset PIDs).

2. Prerequisites

  • a Dataverse repository using Persistent Identifiers from DataCite called DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers). This feature is available since Dataverse version 4.13 (dated 2016).
  • your Open Researcher and Contributor identifier (ORCID iD). Registration is needed to get an ORCID iD and maintain and control an ORCID record. An ORCID identifier comes as a set of characters for instance 0000-0003-4074-2B76.

3. Setup

Step 1: Enable auto-update of ORCID record

Activate DataCite profile and set permissions

This operation involves Globus (https://globus.org/), a non-profit DataCite partner. You may want to check also ORCID Client Terms of Use and this statement about personal data transfer by ORCID from EU to the US.

To proceed, sign in with your ORCID account to the Datacite profile service. More info about DataCite profiles here.

Select Settings menu option. Create an ORCID token and enable auto-update to get a profile similar to this one:

Create an ORCID token and enable auto-update

Check updated ORCID account settings

You can check on your ORCID account, the list of your trusted third parties. You should see now a Globus and a DataCite item, as shown below:

list of trusted third parties from your ORCID account: DataCite

list of trusted third parties from your ORCID account: Globus

Step 2: Publish metadata from Dataverse

On Dataverse, provide author metadata for a dataset, type in an Author name, select ORCID as identifier scheme and provide a valid ORCID iD as identifier.

providing ORCID iDs as metadata for a dataset in Dataverse form

The dataset must be published for the auto-update to take place.

4. Auto-update in action


Whenever a dataset including your ORCID as an author metadata is published, you should receive notifications to inform you that DataCite has updated your ORCID record.

An email notification looks like:

ORCID auto-update email notification

An internal ORCID notification looks like:

ORCID internal notification

Editing ORCID record

Depending on your policy, you can now set the visibility level of this new record to public. More info on (default) visibility settings is available here.

DataCite as a source of your ORCID works list, edition mode

Checking ORCID public record

DataCite as a source of your ORCID works list, public CV

5. De-activating auto-update

You can revert this process by suspending auto-update with immediate effect.

Check on your ORCID account, the list of your registered trusted third parties. This is -to put it simply- the list of services you connected to using your ORCID.

Revoke permissions anytime by selecting revoke access for Datacite and Globus third party and as in step1.

You can additionally delete the ORCID token.